Amae Wellness Pregnancy and Postpartum Therapist

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30% Parenting

Growing up is hard.  

Growing into motherhood is harder.

I sit with women every week, listening to their stories of struggle and guilt about how they "should" be as a mother. They "should" be able to just manage it all. They "should" do it without complaining. And they "should" love it more than they do.

This stuff is hard.  But guess what?  "Good enough" is good enough.

Let's say parenting is huge target, and being the "perfect" parent is that bullseye in the middle.  

I’m talking that Pinterest-worthy, instagram-filter, perfectly-scripted and calm moments.

How often do you think we need to hit that target to foster secure attachment with our children?

You only need to hit that mark 30% of the time.

Let that sink in. 

Thirty. Percent.  That means you can miss the mark for the other 70% of the time. You can be human. You can make mistakes. You can raise your voice, you can repair. You can have them watch some tv so you can breathe. You can lean into your flaws vs. fighting and resisting them. You can be learning versus be an expert. You can breathe.

Just like your child is learning and growing, you are too.

I hope you find this helpful.  I really, truly love unpacking these dynamics in parenting.  If you are looking to have a fresh start in your parenting in the new year, I would love to talk about how we can work together! 

Click the button below to schedule a time for us to chat.

Take a moment for yourself today,

Krista Haller LPC, PMH-C

I have been a mental health therapist for over a decade. Although my work has ranged from children to adults, my heart is working with mothers in early parenthood.

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