Therapy Services
As you begin your journey in becoming a parent, you may feel unsure of how you feel or feel lost in the amount of unknown you are facing. Or, if you are in the thick of the day-to-day of being a parent, you may find that your own experiences from childhood—good and bad— begin to arise.
Therapy can provide a safe space with a trained professional to process these reflections.
This processing provides skills to improve how you show up for your life.
If you reside in Idaho, Colorado or Alaska,
telehealth counseling services are available.
For those in North Idaho, in-person sessions are available!
If you are concerned about meeting via telehealth, please know that many clients appreciate the convenience and comfort of meeting with their therapist remotely. You get the support and space to process—all in the comfort of your own home. This convenience works well so you can attend therapy while your little one naps, from your car or while you are on a walk. It truly creates beautiful flexibility for you to take care of your emotional wellness needs.